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How it works

MHK Sports Enterprise Hoe het werkt pagina 18-10-2019

Step 1 : Choose your Fitness goal

To be able to choose your fitness goal go to the “Fitness Plans ” page.  You will have the choice between “Losing weight” or “Gaining Muscle”. If you need any help to make a choice, you can always send an email to:  info@mhk-sports.com. We are happy to answer your questions and assist you in choosing your fitness goal.


Step 2: Select your Fitness plan

Once you have chosen your Fitness Goal, you will need a action Plan. We offer four different kind of fitness plans. Each plan is shortly described. We have two single programs “Custom Nutrition” and “Custom Training”. We also offer two complete programs that will combine the nutrition and exercises tailored to your specific needs.

MHK Sports Enterprise How it works pricetable 28-1-2019
MHK Sports Enterprise Application Form EN 28-1-2019

Step 3: “Fill in Application”

In order to request your Fitness Plan. We would like you to fill out our Application form. It contains basic training and nutrition questions. Which are necessary to make your fitness plan as accurate as possible to your specific needs. In regards of your privacy we won’t be sharing any information towards third parties. 

Step 4 : “Purchase your Plan”

After you send in your application. You need to complete your request by purchasing your fitness plan in the MHK SHOP.  You will be able to pay by the usual payment methods. After your order is placed you will receive your personal plan within 72 hours. We need these 72 hours to collect,analyse and create your specific fitness plan. 
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